Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First day of school!

English 10:
Syllabus due Friday

Pre AP English 10:
Syllabus due Friday
Reader-response journal due tomorrow
Test on All Quiet on the Western Front on Friday
Hello, it's me worksheet due Wednesday

Monday, June 11, 2007

Have a nice summer, ya'll!

If you see this, know that I'll miss you, especially the students I've had for two years! I've never done that before and was a little apprehensive about it, but it turned out well, I think. Come see me next year!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Monday finals--periods 2, 4, 6
Tuesday finals--periods 3, 5

9th grade final--grammar: parts of speech, sentence fragments and run-ons, subject/verb agreement
10th grade final--grammar: plurals/possessives, quotation marks, appositives, homonyms
10th grade American Studies final--grammar + vocabulary III + I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Tuesday's agenda and homework

Periods 2-4
Watching "We Were Soldiers" -- a Vietnam movie to go with their book "Fallen Angels," which is due Tuesday, May 29th (test)

Periods 5-6
Watching "To Live" -- about China's Cultural Revolution that goes with their book "Red Scarf Girl"
Reading "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings" -- Ch. 1-3 due today (quiz)
Vocabulary I due Friday (quiz)

Monday, May 21, 2007

Monday's Agenda and homework

Periods 2-4:
Finishing the novel "Fallen Angels" by next Tuesday, May 29th
All late projects due today
Silent reading for 15 min.
Vocabulary I

Periods 5-6
Watched "To Live"
Given vocabulary words

Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring Break homework and future books

Periods 5/6:
Finish reading "Frankenstein"
Books that you'll read quarter four and may want to buy: "Red Scarf Girl" and "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings"

Periods 2/3/4:
Book that you'll read quarter four and may want to buy: "Fallen Angels" and "Farewell to Manzanar"

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Thursday's Agenda and Homework for Weekend

Periods 2-4:
Warm-up grammar
Worked on Chapter 8-9 questions--due Friday, March 23rd
Chapter 11 should be read by Tuesday, March 27th
"Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass" test is Thursday, March 29th

Period 3: Final draft of story due Monday, March 26th, and Ch. 10 questions

Periods 5-6:
Warm-up grammar
Quiz on vocabuarly II
Quiz on Ch. 14-15 of "Frankenstein"

Ch. 16-17 due Monday
Ch. 18-19 due Tuesday (videos due!)
Ch. 20-21 due Wednesday
Ch. 22-24 due Thursday TEST!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Homework for Weekend

Periods 2-4: Read Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Ch. 10 by Tuesday (it's long)

Periods 5-6: Read Frankenstein through Ch. 15 by Tuesday

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Periods 2-4:
Warm-up grammar
Vocabulary I due Friday
Continued collage
Ch. 4-6 due tomorrow

Periods 5/6:
Warm-up grammar
Vocab. I due Thursday
Continued collage
Ch. 1-3 due tomorrow

All students: bring in parent-signed grade sheet! Collages due tomorrow.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Periods 5-6:
Warm-up Type 1 on Are friends needed? Why?
Quiz on Letters I-IV of "Frankenstein"
Vocabulary I of "Frankenstein" due Thursday
Frankenstein collages started (four themes)
Ch. 1-4 due Wednesday

Periods 2-4:
Warm-up Type 1 on Physical and/or mental abuse
Quiz on Ch. 1-3 of "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"
Silent reading for 20 minutes
Frederick Douglass collage started (Slavery to Freedom)
Ch. 4-6 due Wednesday

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Homework for weekend


Periods 5/6: Read Letters I-IV in "Frankenstein" for Monday. There will be a quiz. The reading is somewhat difficult, so do the best you can. Also, have parents sign the midterm grade sheet.

Periods 2/3/4: Read chapters 1-3 in "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass." There will be a quiz. The reading is somewhat difficult, so do the best you can.

Also, period 3: Pages 99-102 in adverb packet

Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Periods 2, 5, 6:
Finish "A Doll's House" DVD
Take test on "A Doll's House"
Do exercise 15 and review in "Words frequently confused" packet

Period 4:
Watch biography on Frederick Douglass and take notes

Period 3:
On field trip to Science Museum

Periods 2,3,4 will be starting "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass"
Periods 5,6 will be starting "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Extra credit for the week

What differences do you notice in the all girls/all boys classes? Be specific, appropriate, and leave your name!
Periods 2,4,5,6:
Warm-up Type 1 on advice you'd give to Nora and Helmer on their marriage
Read Act II of "A Doll's House"
Corrected ex. 13 of "Words frequently confused"
"Spelling demons" 51-100

Period 3
Warm-up Type 1--What would you do if your parents did not approve of your engagement to your fiance?
Read the beginning of Act III of "Romeo and Juliet"
Started watching video of "Romeo and Juliet"

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Periods 2,4,5,6:
Warm-up grammar
Finished reading Act I of "A Doll's House"
Act I questions
Ex. 11 and 13 of "words frequently confused"

Period 3:
Warm-up grammar
Discussed Act I and II of "Romeo and Juliet" and collected answers
Did 1 1/2 pages of adverb packet together

Monday, February 12, 2007

Food for thought--related to "A Doll's House": (please leave a comment if you have one)
A student yesterday made a comment that if the man makes the money in the household, it's his money (in other words, not the wife's because she doesn't work). What do you think?

Another question: what did you think of the all-boys/all-girls classes?

Period 2,4,5,6
Warm-up grammar
Read "A Doll's House" Act I
Words frequently confused--corrected and collected ex. 9 & 11
Collected final draft of story
Vocabulary quiz tomorrow

Period 3:
Warm-up grammar
Finished reading Act II of Romeo and Juliet
Did questions on Act I & II
Corrected and collected verbs I packet
Rough draft due tomorrow

Friday, February 9, 2007

Friday's agenda/homework

Periods 2,4,5,6:
Warm-up type 1 on childhood toys
Continued reading "A Doll's House"
Final draft due Monday
Vocabulary quiz on Tuesday

Periods 5/6:
Moving to all male/all female classes on Monday as part of a two to three-week study

Period 3:
Warm-up grammar
Verbs I packet (due Monday)
Rough draft of five-paragraph due Tuesday

Thurday's agenda

Periods 2,4,5,6:
Warm-up grammar
Started reading the play "A Doll's House"
Confusing words ex. 9, 1-15

Period 3:
Warm-up type 1 on Saturdays
Read Act II, scene iii-iv of Romeo and Juliet
Verbs I packet (first two pages)

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Period 2/4/5/6:
Comma test
Editing student's tale (final draft due Monday)
Vocabulary I from A Doll's House (vocab. quiz on Tuesday)

Period 3:
Warm-up grammar
Read Act II, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet
Continued "An Inconvenient Truth"
Rough draft of five-paragraph essay due Tuesday

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Period 2/4
Warm-up Type 1 on Snow Days
Editing a student's paper
Arabian Nights video with worksheet
Rough draft due tomorrow
Comma test tomorrow

Period 3
Warm-up Type 1 on Snow Days
Read Act II, scene ii of Romeo and Juliet
Continued watching "An Inconvenient Truth" on global warming

Period 5/6
Warm-up Type 1 on Snow Days
Editing two students' papers
Rough draft due tomorrow
Comma test tomorrow

Monday, February 5, 2007

Periods 2/4
Warm-up grammar
Corrected and collected comma packet
Watched part of Arabian Nights video--worksheet
Comma test Wednesday
Rough draft due Wednesday

Period 3
Warm-up grammar
Read Act I, scene v of Romeo and Juliet

Period 5/6
Warm-up grammar
Corrected and collected comma packet
Students took notes on comma uses
Comma test Wednesday
Rough draft due Wednesday

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Periods 2, 4, 5, 6:
Type 2 quiz on "The Story of the Fisherman and the Genie"
Read part of "The History of the Young King of the Black Isles"

Period 3:
Type 2 quiz on "Romeo and Juliet"
Worked on adjective packet (homework if not finished in class)

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Tuesday's agenda and homework

Period 3
Completed and handed in pronoun packet III
Read Romeo and Juliet aloud

Period 2,5,6
Read part of "The Fisherman and the Genie"
Homework: finish the story
Vocabulary I handed out (vocabulary quiz on Friday)
(Some journals for periods 5-6 corrected)

Period 4
Read part of "The Fisherman and the Genie"
Vocabulary I handed out (vocabulary quiz on Friday)

Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday's Agenda

Periods 2,4,5,6:
Read the beginning of Arabian Nights aloud

Period 3
Read the introduction and part of Act I, scene i of Romeo and Juliet aloud

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Tuesday's Agenda

Period 2
Writing MBST Test
next unit--Arabian Nights

Period 3
"The Learning Tree" movie of novel
next unit--The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet

Period 4
"The Learning Tree" movie of novel
next unit--Arabian Nights

Period 5/6
"The Power of One" movie on apartheid
Next unit--Arabian Nights

Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday's Agenda and homework

Period 2-4
"Half Past Autumn" DVD on Gordon Parks (write down 20 facts)

Period 5/6
Documentary on Nelson Mandela (write down 10 facts)
Take-home essay test due tomorrow

Friday, January 19, 2007

Friday's Agenda

Periods 2 & 4:
Test on the Learning Tree
Documentary on Gordon Parks (write down 20 facts)
Hand in novel

Period 3:
Test on the Learning Tree
Documentary on Gordon Parks (write down 20 facts)
Hand in novel
Finish editing students' stories

Period 5/6:
Test on Kaffir Boy
Begin watching a documentary on Nelson Mandela (write down 10 facts)
Take home essay test due Tuesday
Hand in novel next week

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Thursday's Agenda

Period 2/4:
Warm-up: correcting grammar
20 minutes of silent reading
Comma ex. 4
Test tomorrow on Ch. 13-18

Period 3:
Warm-up: correcting grammar
20 minutes of silent reading
Editing students' stories
Test tomorrow on Ch. 13-18

Period 5/6:
Warm-up: correcting grammar
20 minutes of silent reading
Comma ex. 5
Test tomorrow on Part III

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Wednesday's Agenda

Late start: field trip to History Museum

4-5:00 p.m. Girl's Book Club in room 317: we will be choosing our first book and eating cookies!

Tuesday's Agenda/Homework

Periods 2 and 4: 20 minutes of silent reading, comma exercise 5

Period 3: 20 minutes of silent reading, pronoun packet III (done together as a class)

Period 5/6: 20 minutes of silent reading, quiz on Ch. 42-51 of Kaffir Boy

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Reading Homework through Friday, January 19th

I.T. Enlish 10 and A.S. English 9:

Homework for Monday 1/15/07: read Ch. 16
Homework for Wednesday: read Ch. 17
Homework for Friday: read Ch. 18 (last chapter); there will be a test!

A.P. English 10

Homework for Friday, 1/12/07: read Ch. 43-44 in Kaffir Boy
Homework for Monday: read Ch. 45-49
Homework for Tuesday: read Ch. 50-51
Homework for Wednesday: read Ch. 52-53
Homework for Thursday: read Ch. 54 (last chapter)
Test on Friday