Monday, February 12, 2007

Food for thought--related to "A Doll's House": (please leave a comment if you have one)
A student yesterday made a comment that if the man makes the money in the household, it's his money (in other words, not the wife's because she doesn't work). What do you think?

Another question: what did you think of the all-boys/all-girls classes?

Period 2,4,5,6
Warm-up grammar
Read "A Doll's House" Act I
Words frequently confused--corrected and collected ex. 9 & 11
Collected final draft of story
Vocabulary quiz tomorrow

Period 3:
Warm-up grammar
Finished reading Act II of Romeo and Juliet
Did questions on Act I & II
Corrected and collected verbs I packet
Rough draft due tomorrow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well maybe if he lets her work and he stays home with the kids then she can have her do u like it like that MEN????